For too many students, the misalignment of high school and postsecondary mathematics requirements is an unnecessary barrier to reaching their academic and career goals. Although the nature of careers has evolved over time, mathematics curriculum and instruction have largely remained unchanged; but in recent years, some states’ postsecondary and K-12 systems have begun to adjust mathematics course sequences to be better aligned to the variety of different fields of study prioritized in the labor market.
The expansion of available mathematics options presents both benefits and new challenges for students. Understanding the opportunities and gaps arising from this expansion requires better insight into how students are advised on course selection and progressing through their mathematics education. A new report from Education Strategies Group (ESG), The Charles A. Dana Center, and Student Achievement Partners examines the available data on students’ mathematics course-taking patterns and how state policy might be influencing their decisions.
For more, see: https://edstrategy.org/resource/re-envisioning-mathematics-pathways-to-expand-opportunities/