Digital learning leverages digital tools and resources to establish powerful, flexible learning environments. Digital learning means each student has access to a device and reliable internet access, both at school and at home. While digital learning is critical during emergency situations when remote teaching is necessary (e.g., e-learning days due to weather cancellations, hybrid learning, or school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic), it is a strategy that promotes personalization and student agency in all learning scenarios. A new Digital Learning Playbook from Digital Promise focuses on supporting schools and districts to develop digital learning environments to provide high-quality, continuous learning opportunities for all students.
This Digital Learning Playbook brings together expertise from across Digital Promise and its partners to provide guidance in developing and supporting powerful learning opportunities for students. It includes strategies for establishing leadership teams, planning for technology implementation, assessing human infrastructure needs and capacity, and identifying tools and resources for school and home use.
The Digital Learning Playbook resources provide guidance and examples to assist district and school leaders at each stage when implementing digital learning. No matter a district or school’s starting point or goals, the resources from the Digital Learning Playbook will support the development of powerful, effective digital learning.
Fore more, see: https://digitalpromise.org/online-learning/digital-learning-playbook/