April Issue Brief: Common Core Implementation

In Case You Missed It!Forty-five states, four territories, the District of Columbia and DoDEA are currently transitioning to full implementation of the Common Core State Standards. While some groups are further along than others, educators across the country are seeking high quality resources to facilitate this process.

In this month’s issue brief, we explore resources and information designed to support Common Core implementation. We’re interested in hearing about the resources, websites and tools that you have found to be most useful during this transition. Please respond to our call for commentary. We’d love to hear from you!

To check out this month’s newsletter and access resources on school leadership, please follow this link: http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=a4ae2b1b129b9f8a29d50b80f&id=82f07ccbb1&e=19cfa03b4e

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