In the Center for Public Education’s blog, The Lens, Robin Lake lays out 10 bold new ideas to push the education field toward the future. How can a shift in mindset from a portfolio of schools to a portfolio of learning opportunities help realize every student’s potential and prepare them to solve tomorrow’s most important challenges? If we are serious about serving not just all students, but every student, we have to consider how to create customized pathways that are not beholden to past assumptions about where and how education is delivered.
Following are CRPE’s 10 bold new ideas for 2019:
- Design for tails, not the mean.
- Tie accountability to what students and their families know matters.
- End high school as we know it.
- Rethink postsecondary education, too.
- Wrap social services around students, not schools.
- Make public education funding more flexible, and allow it to follow students longer.
- Innovate to ensure that all students benefit from the type of customization that only the most advantaged currently enjoy.
- Oversee portfolios of diverse learning opportunities, not just schools.
- Be willing to disrupt existing institutions and power structures.
- Allow students and families to craft their own solutions.
For more, see https://www.crpe.org/thelens/year-thinking-forward