Technology Trends

The State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) released its eighth annual National Educational Technology Trends Report, State Leaders Leveraging Technology to Transform Teaching and Learning. This annual report highlights innovative educational technology activities that are playing a crucial role in K-12 school improvement efforts in states and local communities across the country. The report includes a variety of examples of successful educational technology initiatives as well as details regarding the federal Title IID program.

This unique nationwide data collection showed states and districts employing four key strategies with their educational technology investments:

Developing and Scaling Innovative Learning Models: High-access, technology-rich learning environments and online and blended learning models help address education priorities to meet student learning needs where traditional approaches have fallen short.

Preparing All Students for College and 21st Century Careers: Career and college readiness initiatives, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs, project based collaborative learning environments, digital and open content, and dropout prevention programs enabled by technology support the efforts to prepare students for life in the 21st century.

Supporting Educator Effectiveness: Effective professional development is the linchpin for ensuring that schools attract and retain highly-qualified teachers who can effectively implement a technology-rich learning environment in every classroom.
Building a 21st Century Infrastructure for Equity, Innovation, and Improvement: Building the 21st century education environment requires a technology infrastructure that includes access to devices and sufficient broadband.

The national report is available online at
Individual state reports can be accessed online from
