Reducing the Principal Turnover Rate

School Leaders Network --- Connect - Lead - SucceedOver the years, various research studies have suggested that teachers have the greatest school-based effect on student achievement. In recent years, however, the crucial role of principals has also been made clearer by research. So, how does principal turnover harm students?

The turnover rate for principals is higher than nearly any other white-collar profession, with half leaving their school after three years and fewer than 30 percent remaining at a single school for more than five years.

That’s according to a report from the School Leaders Network, which finds that many principals feel isolated, overwhelmed and unsupported in the job. The report estimates that reducing principal turnover by 25 percent could save the public school system $163 million a year – and might even boost student achievement. Math and reading test scores tend to drop the year after a principal departs, the study finds. States with the highest turnover and the most rookie principals include North Carolina, Rhode Island, California, Nevada and New Mexico.

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