New GTL Resources on Teacher and Leader Preparation

gtl-logoThe Center on Great Teachers and Leaders (at AIR) has a few new briefs out which are certainly worth the precious time of state education agencies.

First is Preparing Teachers for the Common Core: Aligning Preparation Program Curricula

Hear directly from state chiefs about how they support teacher preparation programs in transitioning curricula and clinical experiences to prepare new teachers for the Common Core State Standards, including:

  • Aligning teaching and licensure standards.
  • Supporting faculty through professional development.
  • Integrating program approval, accountability requirements, and state teacher licensure assessments.

Second is Improving School Leader Preparation: Collaborative Models for Measuring Effectiveness

Learn how states currently measure the effectiveness of school leader preparation programs. Also, explore new, collaborative models for continuous program improvement and accountability. The brief includes:

  • State of the state: What measures do most states say they collect, and how do they use the data?
  • Testing the waters: What new accountability models are states piloting?
  • Charting a course: What are some strategies for establishing a collaborative model?

Keep an eye out for future Ask the Team Briefs at
