New Assessments: A Guide for State Policymakers

AssessmentsStatePolicyGuideCover-232x300States face a critical decision in the next year: how to assess student learning against new college- and career-ready standards. This decision has important ramifications, because testing and assessment have long had a powerful influence on instructional practice. Thus the assessment that states choose will affect teaching and learning in virtually every classroom. This guide outlines questions policymakers should ask about proposed new assessments and the ways in which the consortia assessments appear poised to answer them.

The particular advantage of this new guide from All4Ed is the fact that it is only 3 pages long.  If you are looking for something concise yet informative, this is your source.

For more on high-quality assessments, see and The Deepest Learners: What PISA Can Reveal About the Learning that Matters.

For more information, please visit:
