Multiple Measures Done Right: The 7 Principles of Coherent Assessment Systems

With the new ESSA regulations requiring accountability systems based on multiple measures, a new guide from researchers at the not-for-profit NWEA provides educators with actionable steps they can begin implementing immediately.  Multiple Measures Done Right outlines the seven principles of developing coherent assessment systems that go beyond compliance to support student learning. The guide was authored by assessment experts Drs. John Cronin and Andy Hegedus, both of whom serve on the NWEA research team.

The guide helps educators regain control of the assessment process so that it serves the needs of multiple stakeholders – students, teachers, parents, and administrators – with accurate and actionable data, and puts student learning in the center of the system.

The seven principles include:

— Defining the purposes assessment has in your school or district

— Educating teachers and staff in assessment literacy so that everyone in the process can best use the information

— Aligning results to the needs of each stakeholder

— Creating efficiency by fine tuning the instruments used

— Delivering assessment results in a timely, useful manner

— Using metrics to focus on all learners

— Building transparency into the system

For more, see:

To view a webinar discussing this guide, see:
