The GTL Center’s Mentoring and Induction Toolkit is a ready-to-use resource for states working closely with districts to build strong mentoring and induction programs. The purpose of the GTL Center’s Mentoring and Induction Toolkit is to give regional comprehensive centers (RCCs) and state education agencies (SEAs) tools, resources, and support to facilitate meaningful conversations with local education agencies (LEAs) about the design and implementation of effective, high-quality mentoring and induction programs. Toolkit materials summarize research and best practices, highlight relevant examples, and provide streamlined processes for action planning.
The toolkit is divided into 8 modules by topic:
- Introduction to the Toolkit
- Mentor Recruitment, Selection & Assignment
- Mentor Professional Learning, Development & Assessment
- Beginning Teacher Professional Learning & Development
- The Principal’s Role in Mentoring & Induction
- M&I Supports for Educators of Students with Disabilities
- Collecting Evidence of Program Success
- Data-Driven Conversations for Equitable Access
Each module includes:
- An anchor presentation that summarizes research and best practices
- Handouts that provide supplemental information, and
- Team tools to facilitate discussion.
For more, see https://gtlcenter.org/technical-assistance/toolkits/mi-toolkit
Mentoring & Induction in High-Needs Schools
Too often, talent management strategies are not designed to be successful in the highest need schools and districts. In schools that have fewer resources to tackle greater challenges, typical “best practice” strategies may fail if we ignore how a high-needs context shapes school readiness in program design and implementation. This Special Issues Brief makes the case that strategies need to be context-specific, selected and customized to meet a school where it is, not the other way around.
For more, see: https://gtlcenter.org/sites/default/files/Mentoring_Induction_High-Need_Schools.pdf
Mentoring & Induction in Rural Schools
Strong, locally designed mentoring and induction supports can help to address the unique challenges faced by rural schools related to beginning teacher development and retention. This brief outlines 10 common challenges encountered by rural schools when implementing mentoring and induction programs, along with strategies to address the challenges and examples from the field.
For more see: https://gtlcenter.org/sites/default/files/MentoringInduction_Rural.pdf