What do high performing schools have in common? Among other things, they have rigorous academic standards, rich curriculum, and high-quality assessments. They also have well-trained educators who have regular access to accurate and useful data. And they have a culture of equity that undergirds their work. All of these reinforce one another to drive student success.
How can educators build this kind of aligned and comprehensive approach? Informed by experience working with districts across the country, CenterPoint Education Solutions has developed a framework to help schools and districts evaluate the alignment of academic programming. The seven components of alignment are:
- Written Curriculum
- Taught Curriculum
- Equity and Access
- Assessments
- Culture
- Talent Development
- Policy and Strategic Planning
CenterPoint is sharing this framework to help schools and districts empower their educators with an aligned system that drives powerful teaching to deepen student learning. This work is critical to student success.
For more, see: https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/2992254/White%20Paper%20-%20Alignment%20Framework%20-%20May%202019.pdf