Guides Offer Educators Help Designing, Administering, and Analyzing Surveys

IESSurvey data can be an effective way to gather data that informs instruction or programmatic decisions. But some educators do not have the training or experience needed to design surveys or analyze the data that surveys can provide.

Three research alliances in the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Northeast and Islands region asked the REL to develop guides to help them design, administer, and analyze survey data in their schools, districts, and states.

The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) released the new Survey Methods for Educators guides on August 2. The guides provide clear information that describe how to:

  • Develop and adapt surveys (part 1).
  • Select a sample of potential respondents and administer surveys (part 2).
  • Analyze and report survey data (part 3).

Read all three guides at:
