Student Learning That Works: How Brain Science Informs a Student Learning Model

Knowing how the brain receives new information, creates memories, and accesses stored knowledge can help educators plan memorable lessons for their students.

In a new report, Student Learning that Works: How Brain Science Informs a Student Learning Model, McREL CEO and author Bryan Goodwin reviews the science of memory and gives practical classroom tips and strategies to help students retain and recall more of what they learn. The report also seeks to help teachers layer innovation on traditional instructional practices.


The report provides a 6-step learning model that includes the following steps:

Become Interested: Prime emotion and spark curiosity

Commit to Learning: Give a why and set goals

Focus on New Knowledge: Engage in thoughtful learning and support visual learning

Make Sense of Learning: Provide time to process and help students categorize knowledge

Practice and Rehearse: Design and guide deep practice and help students reflect on their learning

Extend and Apply: Help students apply learning to new challenges and help students find meaning and demonstrate deep learning


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