How to Make the Most of an Opportunity for Teacher Voice

Prezi ScreenshotThere’s lots of talk about getting more teacher voices into public discussions about education. As there should be.

What we don’t talk about as often, however, is this: Just because someone puts a microphone in front of you doesn’t mean you’re ready to represent your profession – or even yourself – in a public forum. That’s why celebrities, brand representatives, and (at least most) presidential candidates get professional coaching before they have high-stakes conversations in public. The communication skills taught in media training are very different from the ones that educators use with students. In some cases, they’re even opposites.

With that in mind, here is a link to a Prezi excerpt from a teacher communication workshop given at the NBPTS Teaching and Learning Conference by Roxanna Elden. It’s meant to be user friendly enough to guide you through a mini-workshop with colleagues focused on making the most of teacher voice opportunities.

Find the presentation here: How Media Communication is Different From Teacher Communication (And Why it Matters).

Note: If you’re new to Prezi, make sure to use the arrows along the bottom of the screen to navigate through the presentation.
