“Greenhouse” Schools

GreenhouseLate last month, TNTP released a new report called Greenhouse Schools.  The report seeks to identify “greenhouse schools,” or schools that “are better than others at accelerating student learning by developing and keeping great teachers.”  TNTP wants to know what these schools are doing to establish such cultures.

After surveying more than 4,800 teachers in 250 schools across the country over a two-year period, the report concludes that these schools are prioritizing great teaching above all else.  But more than that, the report found several important factors and concrete steps schools can take to establish the “greenhouse” culture.

1. Teachers want schools with a strong instructional culture—a culture that fosters great teaching.  This means all faculty share a vision, and leadership is focused on helping teachers reach their full potential in the classroom.

2. Schools with strong instructional cultures retain more of their top teachers.  This is especially true in traditional public schools (as opposed to charter schools).

3. Schools with strong instructional cultures help students learn more.  The average proficiency rates at greenhouse schools were 21 percentage points higher in math and 14 percentage points higher in reading compared to schools with weak instructional cultures.

4. A stronger instructional culture is within reach of any committed school leader.  The concrete steps leaders can take range from hiring early and selectively to more frequent teacher observations.

5. Dramatic improvements in instructional culture are possible—sometimes in just one year.  The keys are to diagnose areas for improvement in instructional culture, create and consistently implement an action plan, and monitor progress throughout the year.

To read the full report, please visit http://tntp.org/ideas-and-innovations/view/greenhouse-schools
