EdReports.org to review CCCS aligned materials

edreports_logoEdReports.org, a new, independent nonprofit designed to improve K-12 education in the United States, will launch in winter 2014. EdReports.org will provide free, web-based reviews of instructional materials focusing on alignment to the Common Core and other indicators of high quality as recommended by educators, including usability, teacher support, and differentiation. These Consumer Reports-style reviews will highlight those instructional materials that are aligned to the higher standards states have adopted so that teachers, principals and district, and state officials charged with purchasing materials can make more informed choices.

EdReports.org will first review K-8 mathematics materials. Subsequent reviews will cover secondary math and K12 English Language Arts. All reviews will be conducted by expert educators.

Harvey Mudd College President, Dr. Maria Klawe, serves as EdReports.org’s board chair. Eric Hirsch, former Chief Officer of External Affairs at the New Teacher Center, is the organization’s Executive Director. Eric has dedicated his career to working with educators and policymakers to improve teaching quality and human capital systems. He has surveyed more than 1.5 million educators over the past decade to help assess, understand and improve school environments to help catalyze teacher effectiveness and advocated for systems of support for new teachers and principals.

To sign up for updates go to:  www.edreports.org

For more information, please visit: http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/curriculum/2014/08/group_to_launch_free_online_re.html
