50-State Comparison: State Summative Assessments

The Education Commission of the States’ Comparison on State Summative Assessments was just updated and now includes information on the assessments that each state is using to meet federal requirements in 2017-18.

As a condition of receiving federal funds, the Every Student Succeeds Act requires state education agencies to implement statewide assessments in mathematics and English language arts every year in third through eighth grade and once in ninth through 12th grade. Many states, however, test math and English language arts more than once in high school.

The federal law also requires a science assessment once in each of three grade spans: third through fifth grade, sixth through ninth grade, and 10th through 12th grade. Few states exceed the science testing requirements, and most states test science in fourth or fifth grade, eighth grade and once in high school through an end-of-course assessment in biology.

The information in this resource covers only those assessments that are mandatory statewide for all students, including those tests that fulfill federal testing requirements. Many states exceed federal requirements by requiring, for example, a statewide summative assessment in social studies or a college entrance exam, in addition to high school math and English language arts testing.

For information on individual states, see the State profile pages: https://www.ecs.org/state-summative-assessments-state-profiles/

For the full report, see  https://www.ecs.org/50-state-comparison-state-summative-assessments/
